
Monday, July 13, 2009

New favorite book

I've been reading "The Bread Baker's Apprentice: Mastering the Art of Extraordinary Bread". I've been pleased to find that it is enjoyable to read, because of the author's enthusiasm. He's actually inspired me to try an artisan loaf, not using the bread machine at all. I've had fun throwing flour around, using my hefty mixer, and making steam in my oven. The bread turned out good too! It's my first bread that actually makes a crackling crunch when you tear off a piece.

I would definitely recommend this book, but it would be intimidating to an inexperienced baker. None of the techniques are difficult alone, but it's quite a lot to keep up with, all put together. If you already know the "feel" of a good dough, and have shaped some bread to bake in the oven successfully, then give it a try. I'm working on how to come home after work and have kaiser buns done in time for dinner. My first try was ok, but they overproofed. I've got batteries in my camera again, and will post when I get it worked out.

My Italian bread on the left, one from Fresh Market on the right. I do like this book. The rosmary potato bread is better (and different) than Macaroni Grill. Forgot to take a picture of it. Maybe my husband got one.

Peter Reinhart has a new book coming out in October! Woo hoo!

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