
Sunday, September 4, 2011


Based on the notion that 77,000 people might know a good pancake recipe, I chose "Good Old Fashioned Pancakes" from 4.5 stars, 4,550 reviews. I had my kids make them. It's really easy. Turns out, it's really good too. My husband liked it quite a bit. He's not really a pancake fan, and has not really liked any of the other recipes I've tried. Go figure. ;)

This recipe uses the simplest ingredient list, and results in terrific pancakes. Freeze leftovers, and reheat in the toaster for a good quick breakfast. We will make these when we can’t make waffles because we’re out of buttermilk.

This is based on Good Old-Fashioned Pancakes from Allrecipes.
Yield: about 18 pancakes
360 g (3 cups) all-purpose flour
2 Tbsp + 1 tsp baking powder
2 tsp salt
5 g sugar
1 tbsp Benefiber or finely ground chia seeds
2 1/2 cups milk
1 tsp vanilla
2 egg
6 Tbsp butter


  1. In a large measuring cup, melt butter. Whisk in milk, vanilla, and eggs until combined.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, salt, dextrose, sugar, and fiber. Make a well in the dry ingredients, and pour in the wet ingredients. Stir until just smooth.
  3. $Heat a skillet or griddle (cast iron works well) to 350° - 375°. Melt a pat of butter and before it smokes, pour ¼ cup scoop of batter for each pancake. 
  4. When the pancake sets on the edges, has bubbles throughout that do not close up, and has a dark golden color on the bottom, flip. Cook until the other side is also dark golden, and serve immediately or hold in a warm oven until all are done.
  5. To freeze, allow to cool completely, then store in a ziplock bag.

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