
Monday, August 11, 2014

Thermogenex: it's bonafide!

I love this photo! I feel this way for a moment every shower, when the first cold cycle hits. Ray, your Thermogenex / Hypothermics is indeed the perfect complement for my Dex+ food hack!

I've said it before; I love steamy showers. I don't like being cold. But I lost over twice as much weight last month because I tried Ray's crazy cyclic showers. Seriously. 

Each day I face the shower, I consider this: I tried the gym once. For two years; two hours a day of boring drudgery, followed by the drive home while tired, hungry, and sweaty. Guess what came next? A shower! Am I really going to complain about the cold water, and adding a whopping seven minutes to my usual routine? I come out clean and refreshed. All I've got to do is make it through that first shock of cold water! Um, well, I do cheat just a little, and don't hit the cold full-blast right at first. Guess what? It still works! Thanks again Ray, for all your research. I've got a few more weeks before sending in my data. 

Really, give it a try. It's sure working for me. Out of courtesy to Ray, I won't give the details here. Visit his Thermogenex / Hypothermics website. 

Update: I went to a high school football game, and the weather is getting chilly in the evening. I wore short sleeves, a hat, and gloves. I was chilly at first, but got over it. It seemed a little strange. The next morning, I was down more than a pound! I'm not saying it's all from being cold, but it does seem like it helped.

Another Update: Started pushing the cold thing too far, and ended up not doing it any more. Wish I hadn't done that, because it was working. Now that I'm looking for it, I can't find the info; It looks like he's withdrawn the details for that. There is still a lot of good info about fat burning, brown fat, metabolism, fasting, etc. 

The basic shower idea, though, is to cycle between hot and cold to exercise your cardio-vascular system, and outside the shower, keep yourself in a cool environment (wear light clothing, while keeping your hands and feet warm so the circulation is still good). Don't use muscles to warm up by jogging or shivering; force your body to burn more calories to stay warm. On top of that, eat less calories; fasting is not inherently bad for you.

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